For many parents, child custody and child support can be complicated, expensive and confusing. The courts must evaluate both parents’ ability to care for and guide their children. If you are a parent who has received a Pembroke Pines Child Custody Order, you will need to decide if you can afford to provide for your children, if you are the right custodial parent for your child, and if the court’s child custody guidelines are in your best interest.
Common Causes for Child Custody Modifications in Pembroke Pines A parent who has received a Pembroke Pines Child Custody Order can ask the courts to increase the amount of child support payments based on a variety of circumstances. Common reasons for a modification in child custody orders include: the noncustodial parent getting a better paying job, being promoted, or the custodial mother losing her job. In these cases, a court may decide that a higher amount of support is necessary.
What is Child Support? When a couple has a child, they are required to pay child support on a regular basis. This includes both child support for the minor children, and child support for the spouse with whom the parent lives. The child support amount is determined by several factors, including the number of children, how much the custodian earns, what type of custody arrangement was established, and the cost of raising the minor children. Many states have laws mandating that child support payments are made to the custodian who is in the same financial situation as the parents, regardless of who has custody of the children.
What are the Divorce and Child Custody Laws in Pembroke Pines? Each state has its own unique set of child custody and child support laws. If you are going through a divorce, there are special rules that apply to your custody and child support.
What is some Child Support Provisions? A Pembroke Pines Court Order will outline what is included in the agreement between the parties, including the child support amount and how it will be divided. The court will also set conditions on when the support payments must be made.
Child support in Pembroke Pines can be difficult, especially in the early years. If you are a custodial parent, but don’t earn a great deal of money, consider getting legal help.
How to Go About Making Child Support Payments? It is important to make regular monthly payments on time to ensure that your child support payments will meet your needs. Most of these requirements are based on each case, but you must make sure to pay your child support on time in order to maintain it.
What is Child Support? Child support is money given to the custodial parent by the non-custodial parent. It is designed to help support the needs of children of divorced or separated households, and may be awarded to the custodial parent to help support the minor children.